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Education / Charity Users
Illumine software no longer sell the educational / charity version of MindManager. We are happy to recommend M-Urge as a reseller for education / charity purchases.
Mind Maps are widely used in schools by teachers, students and school managers. They are now widely recognised as being an exceptionally powerful aid to teaching and learning, and Mindjet MindManager is recognised as the most powerful Mind Mapping software on the market.
Teachers find this Mind Map software invaluable for lesson planning and preparation, curriculum planning, providing subject overviews, handouts, enhancing understanding and for student assessment.
Students use their Mind Maps to enhance note-taking efficiency and effectiveness, revision, planning assignments and projects, preparation of course work, studying for exams and planning answers to exam questions.
In addition this Mind Mapping software has many applications for those involved in School Management: developing a SIP (School Improvement Plan), planning inset days, departmental planning, clarifying responsibilities, enhancing communication, structuring wall displays etc.
Illumine software no longer sell the educational / charity version of MindManager. We are happy to recommend M-Urge as a reseller for education / charity purchases.